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How to read your Insurance Card?

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Find your Information

  • An insurance card usually shows the name of the person who holds the policy. This may be your name, parent’s name, or spouse’s name.

Policy Number/Member ID

  • All health insurance cards should have a policy number. Your insurance company uses this number to keep track of your medical bills. You will be asked for this number when you schedule an appointment.

Group plan number

  • If you have health insurance through work, your insurance card probably has a group plan number. The insurance company uses this number to identify your employer’s health insurance policy.  Not all insurance cards have a group plan number.

Insurance company contact information

  • If you turn over your insurance card and look at the back, you will likely find contact information for your insurance company. This might include:
    • Phone number
    • Address
    • Website

    This information is helpful if you need to contact your insurance company. They can help you:

    • Check your benefits (what the insurance company will pay)
    • Find out if your doctor is in-network for your plan (covered by your plan for a lower cost)
    • Answer questions you have about how your insurance works

Coverage amounts, networks, and co-pays

  • This information helps you understand how much you might have to pay for certain types of care.


  • You might see another list with 2 different percent amounts. The first one is how much the insurance company pays providers who are in-network for your plan. Your insurance company has an agreement with these providers. The second percent amount is the amount your insurance company pays providers who are out-of-network. Your insurance company does not have an agreement with these providers. You can still get treatment from out-of-network providers. But you will have to pay them more for your care.
  • You will have to pay the amount that the insurance company does not cover. Call your insurance company if you are not sure if your provider is in network.


  • You will see dollar amounts on your card, too. This is usually the amount of your co-payment, or “co-pay.” A co-pay is a set amount you pay for a certain type of care or medicine.
  • If you see several dollar amounts, they might be for different types of care:
    • Office visits
    • Specialty care
    • Urgent care
    • Emergency room care
    • **Therapy visit co-pays may not be listed on the card**
    • **Surgical/Procedure co-pays may not be listed on the card**

If this information isn’t on your insurance card, call your insurance company. They can let you know details about your plan.

Questions? Call your insurance company.

 Key Points

Your insurance card has valuable information about how your coverage works.
Therapy visits and Surgical Treatment may require an additional copay not listed on the card.
If you have questions about how your coverage works, call your insurance company.